Building a safe and secure embedded world

Technical Conferences and Webinars

Technical Conferences

Our conferences always deliver a technical event with agendas that focus on learning, sharing and networking. This ensures that by attending one of our days you know the time spent away from the office was well invested.

Technical Webinars

Webinars are a great way to take on board the newest information and product insights without having to leave the office. We also make all our webinars available afterwards so you can always catch up at a time that suits you.


AURIX SafeTpack Safety Manager

Compiler qualification for ISO 26262

Development Tools

MDK-ARM Advanced Debug Features

Power aware debugging for Cortex-M

Unit Testing and Critical Safety

Unit testing for safety-critical applications

Introduction to safety software with HCC

Industrial Automation

PROFIBUS diagnostics made simple

Industrial network commissioning and testing

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